Revolving images are: Detail of Mrs Tyas by Abel Hold (Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council); detail of the Portraiture section of our 2014 exhibition showing work by William Tate, John Roddam Spencer Stanhope, Barker Fairley, Salomon van Abbé, and Abel Hold; costume design by Sheila Graham for the 1952 film It Started In Paradise (private owner); detail of the Poacher’s Daughter by Archibald John Stuart Wortley (Usher Gallery, Lincoln); detail of Altin-Kool Lake in Western Siberia by Thomas Witlam Atkinson (private owner); photograph of the architectural sculpture Astronomia by William Neatby on the exterior of the Royal Observatory in Greenwich; Buses by Brian Fitzpatrick (private owner).

Barnsley Art on Your Doorstep


We are a group of volunteers called Barnsley Art on Your Doorstep who are passionate about the artistic heritage of the district of Barnsley in South Yorkshire. We want to excite local people about their hidden artistic heritage with its rich variety of exceptionally talented individuals who rose from Barnsley’s past communities and families and to celebrate it with people of all groups.

We have provided opportunities to learn about and to enjoy the fine paintings, sculptures, carving, photography, architecture and other aspects of artistic expression that have been created by local people, and to give people direct contact with them where possible. We were fortunate to have obtained funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund to finance our 2012-2015 Hidden Art of Barnsley Project including our exhibition at the Cooper Gallery in 2014. We continue to give talks about our projects and are ready to undertake other projects.

Barnsley art on your doorstep book comp

The Artists and Our Book

A series of wonderful artists emerged from Barnsley in the late 18th, 19th and 20th centuries amidst the industrial and social changes which did so much to transform the area and its communities.

Their work and achievements had become largely unknown. We worked with our partners and local communities to explore the artists. Our illustrated book was completed in 2015 and is free to download chapter by chapter.

There are chapters on each of the artists and key themes. For each artist there is also a one page summary.

cooper gallery exhibition barnsley

The Hidden Art of Barnsley Project

The project was to tell people about Barnsley’s past artists. We worked to encourage learning with many schools, Barnsley College and community groups. Our key partner was Barnsley Adult and Family Learning Service. We encouraged people to make art themselves. We curated a three month exhibition at the Cooper Gallery, Barnsley from June to August 2014 along with a programme of talks and workshops.

Gawber History Group

Gawber History Group

Two of the hidden artists grew up at Gawber Hall in the 18th century where their father was a glassmaker. We initiated the formation of Gawber History group in 2015. With the other members we have created a history trail with information boards located around the area. The group is continuing its work and is linking closely with Gawber Primary school.

Worsborough Summer Art Project

Worsborough Summer Art Project

This was a project commissioned by Worsborough History Society and Bright Box. It comprised 6 summer holiday workshops in 2022 with students mostly year 5 and 6 of the Mill Academy in Worsborough and was held in Worsborough Library.

illustrations barnsley art


We conceived a project to highlight the work of Barnsley illustrators. We held a number of successful experimental workshops in 2017 and 2018 but in the end disappointingly we did not achieve the funding that we needed to complete the full project. Thanks to Gill Tyler, Paul Morton and Richard Butterfield, all South Yorkshire illustrators for their time and support.


The year 2024 is the tenth anniversary of our 2014 exhibition 'The Hidden Artists of Barnsley’. This website has been revised in 2024 as one aspect of our celebration of this anniversary. We will post on our facebook site information about other activities during the year.